“it is pure potential. Every ball or skein of yarn holds something inside it, and the great mystery of what that
might be can be almost spiritual”

--Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, Knitting Rules!: The Yarn Harlot's Bag of Knitting Tricks

Monday, April 1, 2013

The New Year Begins

Okay, so in no world does April 1 begin a new year, and actually, it is ending the specific year I am talking about, but it seems a bit odd to start with the end, so I won't.

Tomorrow is Baby Bubba's first birthday. I cannot believe how blessed I have been to have him in my life this past year, especially considering that I once swore my child-birthing days were done. He disagreed with my assessment of the situation, and I am so glad that he did. Although he has recently discovered how to make a noise that seems to be a combination of a banshee and a howler monkey, I wouldn't give him up for everything in the world (there goes that noise again).

I started learning how to crochet when I was seven or eight years old. Actually, now that I think of it, that estimate may be off. My oldest used to have a habit of saying that every memory she had came when she was four years old. In terms of memory, for a while it seemed that she skipped straight from four to ten. Anyway, when I think back and try to remember something from my childhood, it always seems to have happened when I was seven or eight. But, I'm fairly certain that I started learning before we moved to Italy, so I would have been seven (I think). Back to the point...although I have known how to crochet for quite a long time and would pick it up every now and then throughout my life, it is only in the last three or four years that I have begun taking it seriously. Baby Bubba has added to my inspiration. I constantly want to create new things for him. Two days ago I finished his first birthday amigurumi:

I also decided to make him a new hat each year for his birthday, and this year, naturally, I made him a robot hat. I haven't taken a picture of it yet, but I will. My feelings about the robot toy are still ambiguous. I haven't hidden it from him, so he's seen it completed, and his face lights up when he sees it, but I really wish he was a little cuter. I think my issue is with his eyes. I'd have preferred button eyes or safety eyes, but I just don't trust them with a one-year-old child. I do put buttons on his hats, but I don't let him play with them.

I have several more projects in the works right now. I'm currently working on a Cthulhu ski mask hat for my friend's husband, I need to make an amigurumi Ariel with removable tail and dress for a friend's daughter, and my sister has put in a request for an amigurumi lady bug in the nursery colors for my upcoming niece. Plus, I have an order in for a crochet knight helmet and I really want to make a blanket to put on the full-size bed in Baby Bubba's room. I know he doesn't sleep in it yet, but I want it to be on his bed before he's old enough to tell me he doesn't want it. One of the biggest advantages to having a baby is the ability to bend him to my will. That goes away quickly.

So much left to do. I've baked the cakes, but I still need to make the frosting, put the cakes together, and frost the cakes. I need to get dinner for tomorrow put together, and then the birthday fairies are coming, and I have to wrap presents. BB's first trip to the zoo is tomorrow, so I need to check the weather and get the diaper bag ready. Spring Break couldn't have come at a better time this year. If only it were two weeks instead of one.

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