“it is pure potential. Every ball or skein of yarn holds something inside it, and the great mystery of what that
might be can be almost spiritual”

--Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, Knitting Rules!: The Yarn Harlot's Bag of Knitting Tricks

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Call of Cthulhu

Right after Christmas I had a request from a friend to crochet a knight helmet for her. I believe her exact words were "take all my money now." It took me a couple of days to find the time to make it for her, but it whipped up pretty quickly.
She loved it so much that she immediately started scanning the web for other project for me to complete for her. She found a couple of things she was interested in, but the project she was most interested in was a chrochet Cthulhu ski mask.

Now, I had never heard of Cthulhu before this, so I had to do some research to figure out exactly who he is. By the time I had figured out who this creature is, I had used her picture of my knight helmet to post the helmet on etsy, and I had sold five of them in my first week. I decided that as a thank you for boosting my business, I would create Cthulhu for her (actually, her husband) for free.

It is now four months later and I have been up to my eyeballs in knight helmets, graduate school, lesson planning, and mothering (though not in that order). Spring Break just ended, and I finally had time to work on her project and keep my word. I scoured the web, looking for inspiration, and could not find anything that I particuarly like, which frequently happens. So, as usual, I came up with my own variation. I like the spiraled tentacles on some of the masks, but they really aren't very masculine. That left making some kind of conical tube, but that isn't very tentacle-y. I decided to combine the two and figure out a way to make twisting conical tubes and get the best of both worlds. The tentacles on top aren't exactly centered, but that's what makes it hand made, right?

This is just a quick picture with my phone, but I am finally presenting my latest creation: Cthulhu, the Long-Awaited.

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