“it is pure potential. Every ball or skein of yarn holds something inside it, and the great mystery of what that
might be can be almost spiritual”

--Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, Knitting Rules!: The Yarn Harlot's Bag of Knitting Tricks

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Showing a Little School Spirit

I got a new job in November (well, I accepted the position in November, but I didn't actually start until January). I was incredibly excited to be moving on to bigger things. We moved from a rural area back to civilization. Don't get me wrong...I enjoy the country, but in small doses. Being from San Diego, I am a girl who appreciates having people around and the conveniences of being in a city. I love having library branches nearby, cultural activities to do, and a grocery store that is closer than a twenty minute drive away.

All of this is getting me side tracked. After I got my new job I really wanted to crochet a hat with my new school mascot, but I had been so busy with all of my other activities, I just hadn't had the time to do it. I finally made the time last weekend, and I really love the result. Just look at that Bearcat claw!

It is sitting on my bookshelf in my classroom, and I have already had multiple student requests to make them one. As much as I love them, that just isn't going to happen. I may, however, have something in the works to make some as a fund raiser...we'll see what happens. I really would like to design and make a blanket that I can use for football games next year.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Call of Cthulhu

Right after Christmas I had a request from a friend to crochet a knight helmet for her. I believe her exact words were "take all my money now." It took me a couple of days to find the time to make it for her, but it whipped up pretty quickly.
She loved it so much that she immediately started scanning the web for other project for me to complete for her. She found a couple of things she was interested in, but the project she was most interested in was a chrochet Cthulhu ski mask.

Now, I had never heard of Cthulhu before this, so I had to do some research to figure out exactly who he is. By the time I had figured out who this creature is, I had used her picture of my knight helmet to post the helmet on etsy, and I had sold five of them in my first week. I decided that as a thank you for boosting my business, I would create Cthulhu for her (actually, her husband) for free.

It is now four months later and I have been up to my eyeballs in knight helmets, graduate school, lesson planning, and mothering (though not in that order). Spring Break just ended, and I finally had time to work on her project and keep my word. I scoured the web, looking for inspiration, and could not find anything that I particuarly like, which frequently happens. So, as usual, I came up with my own variation. I like the spiraled tentacles on some of the masks, but they really aren't very masculine. That left making some kind of conical tube, but that isn't very tentacle-y. I decided to combine the two and figure out a way to make twisting conical tubes and get the best of both worlds. The tentacles on top aren't exactly centered, but that's what makes it hand made, right?

This is just a quick picture with my phone, but I am finally presenting my latest creation: Cthulhu, the Long-Awaited.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Already Slacking...

I saw an idea on Pinterest that I love. Someone came up with the idea of creating a sky scarf by
collecting some blue, gray, and white yarns and knitting (I would crochet it) a row each day that matches the sky outside. If I had discovered this before Baby Bubba was born, I would have done it for the first year of his life, but since I only recently came across it, I decided to do it for the second year of his life. Then, I completely forgot to take note of the color of the sky today, the first day of the second year of his life. Fortunately, we went to the zoo today and I took several pictures, so I should have at least one with the sky. After all, it would be difficult to get the giraffes without the sky behind them. I need to set a reminder on my phone to check the sky each day. I need to figure out the best way to keep track. I'd like to think I'll be able to actually crochet a row each day, but that may not be realistic.

Gave BB his robot and his robot hat today. I haven't yet taken a picture of the robot hat, so I can't post it, but I can post the robot hat that I made him when he was born.
His new hat is blue and green. I wanted it to be similar, but not the same. He wanted to play with it, but it has button eyes, so I had to put it out of his reach. It really wasn't cold enough for it today anyway. It was a beautiful day.
Well, one year ago at this time I was moving to another room, trying to go to sleep, and since Hubby needs to get up early for work tomorrow (Spring Break is passing too quickly), I really should do the same right now.

Monday, April 1, 2013

The New Year Begins

Okay, so in no world does April 1 begin a new year, and actually, it is ending the specific year I am talking about, but it seems a bit odd to start with the end, so I won't.

Tomorrow is Baby Bubba's first birthday. I cannot believe how blessed I have been to have him in my life this past year, especially considering that I once swore my child-birthing days were done. He disagreed with my assessment of the situation, and I am so glad that he did. Although he has recently discovered how to make a noise that seems to be a combination of a banshee and a howler monkey, I wouldn't give him up for everything in the world (there goes that noise again).

I started learning how to crochet when I was seven or eight years old. Actually, now that I think of it, that estimate may be off. My oldest used to have a habit of saying that every memory she had came when she was four years old. In terms of memory, for a while it seemed that she skipped straight from four to ten. Anyway, when I think back and try to remember something from my childhood, it always seems to have happened when I was seven or eight. But, I'm fairly certain that I started learning before we moved to Italy, so I would have been seven (I think). Back to the point...although I have known how to crochet for quite a long time and would pick it up every now and then throughout my life, it is only in the last three or four years that I have begun taking it seriously. Baby Bubba has added to my inspiration. I constantly want to create new things for him. Two days ago I finished his first birthday amigurumi:

I also decided to make him a new hat each year for his birthday, and this year, naturally, I made him a robot hat. I haven't taken a picture of it yet, but I will. My feelings about the robot toy are still ambiguous. I haven't hidden it from him, so he's seen it completed, and his face lights up when he sees it, but I really wish he was a little cuter. I think my issue is with his eyes. I'd have preferred button eyes or safety eyes, but I just don't trust them with a one-year-old child. I do put buttons on his hats, but I don't let him play with them.

I have several more projects in the works right now. I'm currently working on a Cthulhu ski mask hat for my friend's husband, I need to make an amigurumi Ariel with removable tail and dress for a friend's daughter, and my sister has put in a request for an amigurumi lady bug in the nursery colors for my upcoming niece. Plus, I have an order in for a crochet knight helmet and I really want to make a blanket to put on the full-size bed in Baby Bubba's room. I know he doesn't sleep in it yet, but I want it to be on his bed before he's old enough to tell me he doesn't want it. One of the biggest advantages to having a baby is the ability to bend him to my will. That goes away quickly.

So much left to do. I've baked the cakes, but I still need to make the frosting, put the cakes together, and frost the cakes. I need to get dinner for tomorrow put together, and then the birthday fairies are coming, and I have to wrap presents. BB's first trip to the zoo is tomorrow, so I need to check the weather and get the diaper bag ready. Spring Break couldn't have come at a better time this year. If only it were two weeks instead of one.